Are you someone who struggles with social anxiety on a day to day basis? Unfortunately, workplace stressors, including being in an office environment or working with a team of people, is enough to exacerbate symptoms. 

Social anxiety is defined as: Persistent, intense fear or anxiety about specific social situations because you believe you may be judged negatively, embarrassed or humiliated. Avoidance of anxiety producing social situations or enduring them with intense fear or anxiety (DSM 5). 

Perhaps you experience severe social anxiety at work, or maybe your social anxiety is triggered around your boss or a specific individual. Regardless of your unique situation, below is a list of some coping strategies and recommendations to help you better manage your social anxiety in a work related setting.

How to deal with social anxiety at work:

  1. Be patient with yourself: Give yourself credit for showing up. It’s all about progress, not perfection.
  2. Reduce negative self talk: Challenge negative beliefs and thoughts. Be kind to yourself and try not to overthink.
  3. Take short, recurring, breaks: Take a quick walk, grab a snack, refresh yourself with a new environment or non-work related tasks, away from screens.
  4. Practice deep breathing or meditation: Leverage free YouTube videos or find an App, such as Headspace, to help guide you through a calming meditation journey.
  5. Prioritize Tasks: determine what needs to be done first, second, third etc. Make a list. 
  6. Create manageable steps: break the task down into smaller steps.

    Working Through Social Anxiety with an Expert

    Sometimes you need someone you can trust to talk to and help work through things. Therapists at Marwil & Associates are here to listen and support you through your social anxiety struggles. Just know YOU got this! We are here to partner with you through this mental health challenge.

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